The South's Oldest Auction Company

J.L. Todd Auction Co. is the firm of choice when sellers wish to liquidate a property for the highest price in the shortest amount of time possible – normally 60 days or less. As a result, our clients can obtain liquidity and do away with holding costs immediately. We have numerous years of experience selling for estates, financial institutions, farms, residential and commercial properties. as an auction company.


A fast-paced auction is one of the most efficient ways of converting your property or assets into immediate cash. In fact, over a quarter-trillion dollars in goods and services are sold at auction every year in the U.S. With the combination of pre-sale marketing and the auction chant and/or attention-grabbing online bidding platform, you could have enthusiastic, attentive buyers aggressively competing to purchase your property. There’s an excitement about an auction that makes it a special event that draws people again and again.

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Past Customers

We believe that J.L. Todd Auction Company can serve you as we have served thousands of customers since 1917, If you have property to sell and would like to talk with an agent, you are under no obligation. Call or send us a message and we will contact you promptly.

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Todd Auction Method

The Todd method of selling at auction is an exact science, born of extensive experience, care and skill. This method is based on the Todd Philosophy that presentation of property is its most desirable aspect, which not only satisfies the buyer, but also results in more money for the seller.

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Credibility & Integrity

We have received letters by people from all over the country, who have either purchased or sold property through J.L. Todd Auction Company.

Time is Money

We believe that time is money. A J.L.Todd auction is the quickest way to convert what you own into immediate cash. If you are ready to retire and free yourself from a confining business, wish to move, need cash in a hurry, are the executor of an estate that requires prompt closure, represent a bank that wishes to convert some properties to make other investments, then the J.L.Todd Company can make money for you while saving time.

Strategic Marketing

We create a strategic marketing plan for each auction in order to gather all potential buyers for “your” assets through competitive bidding.  We can devise a plan that is best suited for your type of liquidation through the best known property sales method in American, at AUCTION!

Auction Day

The excitement runs high on sale day. It is the culmination of the J.L.Todd Company’s efforts over several weeks to be sure that everything progresses satisfactorily.


As soon as the auctioneer declares, “SOLD,” the cashier computes the amount of the bid and the terms. A contract is prepared which an officer of J.L. Todd staff takes to the purchaser for acknowledgement. All of this is done in a matter of minutes, then the next item of the sale is up for the auctioneer’s cry. Once the pace is set, there is no let-up until the gavel rings down on the last sale of the day.


When the sale is over, the J.L. Todd cashiers, clerks, and executive staff will meet with you and account for all of your money and property. You are then given a written account of each item sold and who bought it.